A Word from the Board of Directors

- Robert Taylor

As we enter May, the Board has now completed more than half of the board year.  With this, we need to start thinking about the fall election for board directors.  This year we will have four positions up for election.  Calvin Wang, Jon Barnes, and I are all at the expiration of our current terms and we have one vacant position. Board elections are held in September and conclude at the Meeting of Owners (MOO). The new/returning board members are seated at the October meeting and generally are for three years.  Because we have four positions this year, the three candidates with the most votes will be seated on a three-year term expiring in 2027 and then the fourth position will be for a two-year term, expiring in 2026.


Have you considered running for a board director position?  You may be wondering what qualifications are needed. While prior experience on a Board may be helpful, we don’t want anyone to think it is required. We have made a list of traits that are good to have – if you think you possess some, many, or all, you could be a great addition to the Board. These include but are not limited to:


  • Commitment to the Ends of Common Ground Food Co-op
  • Knowledge of and interest in the issues of concern to the Co-op
  • Capacity for personal growth
  • Willingness for long-term service
  • Readiness to work with and listen to others
  • Unique background, skills, and contacts
  • Humility, humor, honesty, and integrity
  • Ability to commit time and energy to focusing on the big picture


The official board applicant packet will be available starting in July, but we encourage owners to start considering board service now.  We also encourage emailed questions on what the board does, attending our monthly board meeting, and even scheduling a one-on-one meeting with a current board member. Board service is hard work and takes dedication and time but comes with personal growth and the knowledge you are helping make our Co-op stronger.


Best wishes for a fantastic summer!


